Évènement : Évènement à Liverpool le 14 août 1887
Identifiant : HISCOD_14479
Date :

Année : 1887

Mois : Août

Jour : 14

Jour de la semaine : Dimanche

Localisation :

Lieu historique : Liverpool

Lieu : Liverpool

Code commune : -

Latitude : 53.4047978340497

Longitude : -2.98127494167139

Unités administratives historiques :

Entité politique : Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande

Entité administrative : Lancashire

Sous-entité administrative : -

Unités administratives :

Pays : Angleterre

Entité administrative : North West England

Sous-entité administrative : Liverpool

Caractéristiques :

Typologie HiSCoD : Autres formes de conflit

Typologie originale : Misc (Salvation Army)

Nombre de participants : plusieurs centainesParticipation féminine : Oui

Présentation du contenu

Description (langue originale) : -

Description (anglais) : During the 1887 anniversary procession along narrow Liverpool streets, Salvationists met ‘threatening’ crowds. A ‘disgraceful disturbance’ took place at the corner of Everton and West Derby Roads during the customary march prior to the Sunday afternoon meeting. Young men jeered at them. A crowd of several hundreds jostled the Salvationists and one young man ‘deliberately put his foot through the bass drum,’ a common object of the opposition.[57] A woman, ‘evidently drunk, threw herself headlong in front of the procession’ and bashed the leader, Major Rees, over the head with her market basket. After rolling in the gutter and throwing her boots at marchers, she was brought under control by the police, who made ‘things safe and pleasant for us,’ according the War Cry report. On Sunday an old woman of at least sixty threw oyster shells at Rees as Salvationists marched in the ‘worst streets.’ Captain Welshaw encouraged the people to avoid the gods of ‘the multitudes,’ including ‘Drink, the pipe, the fashions,’ and to ‘imitate the Hebrew children, and make a stand for God’.


Sources primaires : -

Bibliographie : Murdoch, Norman H. (2015). ‘Salvation Army Disturbances in Liverpool, England, 1879-1887’. Journal of Social History, 25(3), pp. 575-593 [10.1353/jsh/25.3.575].
Tiratelli, Matteo (2020). ‘The Changing Practice of Rioting: Revisiting Repertoire Transitions in Britain, 1800-1939’. Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 25(2), pp. 201-219 [10.17813/1086-671X-25-2-201].
Tiratelli, Matteo (2019). ‘Catalogue of riots in Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester, 1800-1939’. UK Data Service, V1 [10.5255/UKDA-SN-853781].


Auteur(s) : Matteo Tiratelli

Contributeur(s) : Cédric Chambru, Paul Maneuvrier-Hervieu

Date de création : 2022-01-14

Date d'édition : 2022-04-19