Évènement : Évènement à Manchester en mai 1808
Identifiant : HISCOD_14483
Date :

Année : 1808

Mois : Mai

Jour : -

Jour de la semaine : -

Localisation :

Lieu historique : Manchester

Lieu : Manchester

Code commune : -

Latitude : 53.4811087803479

Longitude : -2.24488849333542

Unités administratives historiques :

Entité politique : Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande

Entité administrative : Lancashire

Sous-entité administrative : -

Unités administratives :

Pays : Angleterre

Entité administrative : North West England

Sous-entité administrative : Manchester

Caractéristiques :

Typologie HiSCoD : Conflit lié au travail

Typologie originale : Economic

Nombre de participants : plusieurs milliersParticipation féminine : Oui

Présentation du contenu

Description (langue originale) : -

Description (anglais) : Daily ritual of mass meetings. People marching in from neighbouring town. Riot Act read and charges of the troops and men shot at. Strike. People arrested, in the evening mob returned and released the prisoners and set fire to the gaol (2 bags of shuttles had been deposited at the House of Correction). Pamphlets being printed to reassure weavers that no agreement had been reached (combatting misinformation). Soldiers pouring into Manchester from all around. Attacks on scabs - taking away shuttles, cutting their pieces, stop all workers carrying finished pieces and send them home. Distributing food amongst the crowd. Lots of Irish amongst those arrested. Burned in effigy many of the town's manufacturers. Women more turbulent and mischievous than the men. Threatening to pull down the houses of scabs. Destroying pieces with vitriol dropped on works through cracks in windows. In general strike carried out with little violence. Many 1000s involved.


Sources primaires : Annual Register 1808, p. 47, 51, 54, 58, 63, 64.
The Times (London, England), Friday, May 27, 1808, pg. 3, Issue 7372.
The Times (London, England), Saturday, May 28, 1808, pg. 4, Issue 7373 [2 articles].
The Times (London, England), Monday, May 30, 1808, pg. 3, Issue 7374.
The Times (London, England), Wednesday, Jun 01, 1808, pg. 4, Issue 7376.
Cowdroy's Manchester Gazette 11/6/1808.
Wheeler's Manchester Chronicle 22/5/1808.

Bibliographie : Tiratelli, Matteo (2020). ‘The Changing Practice of Rioting: Revisiting Repertoire Transitions in Britain, 1800-1939’. Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 25(2), pp. 201-219 [10.17813/1086-671X-25-2-201].
Tiratelli, Matteo (2019). ‘Catalogue of riots in Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester, 1800-1939’. UK Data Service, V1 [10.5255/UKDA-SN-853781].


Auteur(s) : Matteo Tiratelli

Contributeur(s) : Cédric Chambru, Paul Maneuvrier-Hervieu

Date de création : 2022-01-14

Date d'édition : 2022-04-19