Évènement : | Évènement à Bergerac le 10 mai 1637 |
Identifiant : | HISCOD_19719 |
Date : |
Année : 1637 Mois : Mai Jour : 10 Jour de la semaine : Dimanche |
Localisation : |
Lieu historique : Bergerac Lieu : Bergerac Code commune : 24037 Latitude : 44.8501653 Longitude : 0.4846778 |
Unités administratives historiques : |
Entité politique : Royaume de France Entité administrative : Bordeaux Sous-entité administrative : Bergerac |
Unités administratives : |
Pays : France Entité administrative : Nouvelle-Aquitaine Sous-entité administrative : Dordogne |
Caractéristiques : |
Typologie HiSCoD : Émeute fiscale Typologie originale : - Nombre de participants : IndéterminéParticipation féminine : Indéterminé |
Description (langue originale) : -
Description (anglais) : ‘On May 10 the army marched on Bergerac, which was undenfed, and occupied the city for twenty days. Their movement issued a ‘‘Protest by the Assemled Communities’’ […] and a ‘‘Request of the Insurrectionary Communes of Périgord to the King’’ in which they demanded punishment for the gabeleurs [...]. They treaded the people of Bergerac mildly except for those reputed to be gabeleurs Ataux [lieutenant-general of the sénéchaussée] was arrested by the peasants and would have been executed exept for the intervention of La Mothe La Forêt. Alesme [greffier of Jay d'Ataux] had his townhous pillages, and his suburabn house burned down, his garden ruined, his grapevines pulled up, and his well filled in. […] Six other officials connected to tax collections received similar treatment’. The insurrection was finally crushed by the royal army in a battle at La Sauvetat that resulted in more than 1,000 deaths (200-800 royals soldiers and 1,000-1,500 Croquants).
Sources primaires : -
Bibliographie : Beik, William (2009). A Social and Cultural History of Early Modern France. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 420 [pp. 250-251].
Auteur(s) : Cédric Chambru, Paul Maneuvrier-Hervieu
Contributeur(s) : -
Date de création : 2021-10-28
Date d'édition : 2022-04-19